Monday, May 23, 2011

Why Dora the Explorer is so damn popular?

Why Dora the Explorer is so damn popular?

Parents with young children aged between 2 and 5 are exposed in recent years on the mania was ... You guessed it Dora the Explorer. You can see on TV and DVD. There are also countless Dora toys, clothing and other household items. Once you know what to look for it is almost impossible to miss. Take your kids to the store, they are not shy about pointing them out.

Since 2003, Dora and friends have made millions of households over theWorld. With dozens of DVDs, in many different languages ​​and goods in abundance Dora is a must.

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If by chance you've never heard of Dora or your looking for a bit more to learn, Dora began her career as a children's show to help someone in need or like to explore each place was. It is usually accompanied by her best friend Boots. Maps and backpack their way with Dora and Boots help out on the road to provide direction and tools to move from one placeanother or overcome an obstacle.

Dora as she makes as it usually runs into Swiper the Fox usually tries to strike something and throw it. Of course it is always found, and the journey continues. Dora's friends from time to time come to help. They include, Isa the iguana, Benny the Bull, and Tico the squirrel.

One of the reasons the show is so popular is the fact that they try to interact with the audience, singing, dancing and responseQuestions. Dora teaches Spanish, counting, teamwork, perseverance and many other things.

So what do others think Dora the Explorer? Now you may have guessed it. There are those who love and those who hate it. Negative comments about Dora, I have seen is that some people do not like to ask their children for things in Spanish, or that the show is too simplistic. It seems many of the negative, which would find an adult basedentertaining and not a child. Others do not like the bilingual aspect of the show. As a positive feedback you get a lot of people just love. The children tend to love it too. Children they watch over and over again. The show will be healthy, entertaining and educational. Of course, tastes vary and it is not a program that satisfies everyone.

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